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Invitation and Help with Promotion for “Professionalising Data Stewardship | Global Updates To Inform RDA Community” Webinar taking place 30 June

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  • #99500

    Yolanda Meleco

    Hello.  We are writing to invite you to an upcoming webinar presented by the RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group taking place at 14:00 UTC on 30 June.
    The webinar will introduce the Outputs of the groups and include the following speakers:

    Christina Drummond, Executive Director for the global OA Book Usage Data Trust (OAEBU) effort
    Yan Wang, Coordinator of the Data Stewardship at TU Delft
    Graham Parton, Senior Environmental Data Scientist at the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis (CEDA), UK
    Liise Lehtsalu, Research Support Officer at Eurac Research
    Jukka Rantasaari, Head of Library Services and current associate director at the Turku University Library

    During the webinar, these individuals will not only present the outputs from the group, but also discuss potential directions for future work.  Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, suggest future areas of inquiry, and discuss ways to better connect the PDS-IG’s efforts with organisations and individuals within and outside of RDA.
    Please consider supporting these speakers and your group by registering to attend and promoting the event to those in your network who you think would have an interest.    
    Below are some links that you can share in your social media accounts:

    Registration Link 
    LinkedIn – Open this link and “like” and “share”
    Twitter – Open this link and “like”, “retweet” and tag others you think would be interested in attending  
    Slack, Emails, Group Lists, Newsletters – Copy/forward/post this information to your Slack groups, group lists, email, newsletters, etc. 

    All the best,
    Yolanda, on behalf of RDA-US and the RDA Secretariat


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