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DMP Common Standards WG at the plenary in Berlin

  • Creator
  • #111821

    Tomasz Miksa

    Dear colleagues,
    we would like to invite you to the session of the DMP Common Standards WG in
    Berlin. You can join in person or remotely.
    The session is scheduled for the first day of the plenary: 21.03, Wednesday,
    14:30 -16:00.
    We will be presenting results of our first consultation and announce a
    second one. The highlight of the meeting will be lighting talks (5 min each)
    from the DMP tool developers:
    . Data Stewardship Wizard,
    . DMP Service (OpenAIRE),
    . RDMOrganiser
    . DMPRoadmap (covers DMPonline and DMPtool from DCC and UC3),
    . ReDBox (QCIF),
    . Research Data Manager (UQRDM).
    Short presentations will focus on the internal data model and
    machine-actionability of tools. They will be followed by a moderated
    Detailed agenda of the session, link to collaborative note taking, as well
    as the connection details can be found here:
    We look forward to seeing you!
    Kind regards
    Tomasz Miksa, Paul Walk, Peter Neish
    RDA DMP Common Standard WG

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