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Benefitting from the Upgraded DMP Common Standard for maDMPs and Building Its Extensions

  • Creator
  • #133936

    Marek Suchánek

    Welcome and Introductions (5 minutes)

    Overview of the DMP Common Standard (DCS) for maDMPs (10 minutes)
    Provide a quick recap of the standard, its history, and the current status of the Working Group (WG).
    Highlight the key features and concepts behind the standard.

    Presentation of the Enhanced Standard (20 minutes)

    Present the architecture of the enhanced DCS, including the website and repository structure.
    Demonstrate the defined procedures for extending and contributing to the maDMPs using the standard.
    Share any relevant updates or developments regarding the project.

    Showcase of maDMP Extension and Contribution (15 minutes)

    Show real-life examples of extensions of DCS and contributions to DCS.
    Highlight the benefits and impact of these contributions on research data management.

    Group Discussions (30 minutes)

    Divide participants into smaller groups (based on audience on-site) to facilitate interactive discussions.
    Discuss challenges, lessons learned, and best practices related to extending and contributing to maDMPs using the standard.
    Share experiences and insights on implementation, integration, and adoption of the enhanced standard.
    Encourage participants to exchange ideas.

    Wrap-up and Next Steps (10 minutes)

    Summarize the key takeaways from the discussions.
    Discuss any action items or follow-up tasks resulting from the meeting.
    Provide information on resources, documentation, or upcoming events related to the standard and maDMPs.

    Additional links to informative material

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Active Data Management Plans IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The RDA DMP Common Standards for machine-actionable DMPs Working Group is currently in maintenance mode. Its main objective is to maintain and promote the adoption of the established common standard for machine-actionable DMPs. The group focuses on:

    Standard Maintenance: The working group ensures the continued relevance and usability of the common standard by monitoring and addressing any issues or updates that may arise. It actively maintains the standard to reflect evolving community needs and technological advancements.
    Adoption Support: The working group supports the wider adoption and implementation of the common standard by providing guidance, resources, and best practices. It aims to facilitate the integration of the standard into research institutions, data management systems, and funding agencies.
    Collaboration and Alignment: The working group collaborates with relevant initiatives, standards organizations, and working groups to ensure alignment and avoid duplication of efforts. This collaboration promotes interoperability between different DMP tools and platforms.
    Community Engagement: The working group engages with the research community to gather feedback, address challenges, and identify emerging needs related to machine-actionable DMPs. It fosters an active community that contributes to the ongoing maintenance and improvement of the standard.

    Overall, the group operates in maintenance mode, focusing on standard upkeep, adoption support, collaboration, and community engagement to ensure the continued effectiveness and relevance of the common standard for machine-actionable DMPs. Last but not least, there is a tight collaboration with Active Data Management Plans IG.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    The RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-Actionable DMPs (DCS) WG is getting more and more attention leading to new requirements for extensions and other features. Thanks to the recent major enhancements of usability and contributability of the DCS which introduced significant changes that will benefit the community in adopting the standard and developing its extensions. While the session will address the needs of newcomers who may not be familiar with the standard, it will also provide valuable insights for experienced attendees. The aim is to ensure that all participants, regardless of their level of familiarity with the standard, can engage effectively and gain valuable knowledge from the meeting. Therefore, the objectives of the session are:

    Understand the enhancements made to the DMP Common Standard for maDMPs and its impact on overall contributability and maintainability.
    Explore the practical benefits of adopting the upgraded DMP Common Standard for maDMPs in research data management workflows.
    Learn best practices for effectively contributing to as well as extending maDMPs using the enhanced DMP Common Standard, improving collaboration and data sharing.
    Discover strategies for maintaining and updating maDMPs and its extensions efficiently, ensuring their continued relevance and usefulness throughout the research lifecycle.
    Identify potential challenges and solutions related to implementing and integrating the upgraded DMP Common Standard into existing data management processes.
    Gain insights into successful case studies and experiences from organizations that have leveraged the enhanced contributability and maintainability of the DMP Common Standard for maDMPs.
    Discuss future directions and ongoing developments in the field of maDMPs, considering how the improved standard can further enhance research data management practices.

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 2, Breakout 3, Breakout 4

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