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An unfortunate clash in the schedule for P10

  • Creator
  • #118090

    Kevin Ashley

    Members of the RDA DMP interest group & the DMP working groups:
    I and the the other group co-chairs are looking forward to joining
    some of you at the forthcoming plenary in Montreal, and particularly
    to the joint session on Wednesday with the domain repositories IG.
    Unfortunately it seems we have a clash with what appears to be
    a pertinent BoF session. I didn’t spot this clash early enough to ask
    the RDA Secretariat to reschedule one or other session.
    The BoF in question is titled “Data Management Records and Persistent
    identifiers”. Its premise is that DMPs are static documents, but
    should instead be active machine-actionable objects and that PIDs are
    a necessary component of them. This will be familiar to members of
    this group. The BoF case statement says it has overlap with the
    Active DMP IG but I’m not aware of where that overlap is – can anyone
    here clarify?
    The session description for the BoF is here:

    Kevin Ashley. Director, Digital Curation Centre
    E: ***@***.*** @kevingashley | P: DCC, Argyle Hse (F West),
    T: +44 131 651 3823/1239 (helpdesk) | Lady Lawson St,
    M: +44 7817 402 498 | Edinburgh EH3 9DR, Scotland
    The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
    Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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