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RDA Data Usage Metrics WG Berlin Meeting

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  • #111979

    Hello Data Usage Metrics WG,
    Thank you for joining our working group. We are hopeful you will be able to join at our first meeting during RDA Plenary 11 in Berlin.
    We are a new working group focused on community needs, adoption of, and incentives for data usage metrics. For our first meeting we plan to focus on what defines ‘usage metrics’, ongoing initiatives in the space, and develop a community consensus on the needs for data usage metrics over the next couple of years. We would love for you to join the meeting. Additionally, if you are involved in any initiatives in the data usage metrics space and would like to present, or would like to suggest anyone who we should be reaching out to, please let us know.
    Please let me know if you have any questions. We are looking forward to working with you as we develop and drive adoption of data usage metrics.
    Daniella Lowenberg
    RDA Data Usage Metrics WG Co-Chair
    California Digital Library
    Daniella Lowenberg | Research Data Specialist & Product Manager
    University of California Curation Center (UC3) | 415 20th Street 4th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612
    ***@***.*** | CDL: website I Twitter | UC3: website I Twitter I Blog

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