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Practical Approaches to Tracking and Communicating the Use of Research Data

  • Creator
  • #133992

    Collaborative session notes:…

    Background: Data Usage Metrics Recommendations (10 min)

    Measuring data reusability through citation metrics (10 min)

    Cumulative data citation metrics for the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) (10 min)

    Updates on Make Data Count and the COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data (10 min)

    DataCite usage tracker (MVP release) (10 min)

    Discussion of Opportunities for Improving and Studying Data Citation Metrics (40 min)

    1. First group option
    Repository Platforms for Research Data IG

    Additional links to informative material

    Data Usage Metrics Recommendations

    Matrix of Use Cases and Functional Requirements for Data Repositories

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    RDA/WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) WG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The Data Usage Metrics WG has published recommendations for widespread adoption of normalized data usage practices and articulated hurdles and limitations that need to be addressed going forward. The group continues to exist in maintenance mode with the aim of fostering ongoing adoption of the recommendations and discussion of challenges associated with implementing data usage metrics. 
    The Repository Platforms for Research Data IG  focuses on improving the usability and technical capabilities of research data repository platforms. Activities of the RPRD IG include identifying ways for data repositories to improve opportunities for using data and conducting research. To achieve these objectives, the RPRD IG invites members of the research data community to collect usage experiences, define requirements, evaluate implementations, and identify limitations of current solutions in a cooperation of repository users, managers, providers, and developers.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Kelly Stathis

    I declare that I have informed the chairs of all the Working / Interest groups included in this joint meeting application.

    Meeting objectives
    Reports on research data usage indicate contributions that data producers, repositories, users, infrastructure providers, research sponsors, intermediaries, publishers, and others offer to science and society. Reports of data citations also provide additional methods for articulating the value that these stakeholders provide. Data citations and other descriptions of data use also contribute to understanding the use of research data as reported in scientific publications and other media channels. Measuring aspects of data citations and use also inform plans for new data collection and distribution efforts. Current studies on the measurement of data citations are presented, followed by a discussion on how such activities can be leveraged and extended to learn more about the use of data. Planned outcomes of the joint session include recommendations for approaches that can be adopted for measuring data use and for how data citations can be used.

    Privacy Policy

    Target Audience

    Data Managers
    Data Producers
    Data Sponsors
    Data Users
    Data Repository Developers

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