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Make Data Count Upcoming Events

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  • #109389

    As we enter the last months of our current Make Data Count Sloan Foundation grant we are preparing for next steps, with an emphasis on our adoption plans for repository implementation. Please join us at two workshops that we have planned for next month:
    March 26, 2019 (Webinar): Our webinar on repository implementation of our COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data and Make Data Count recommendations. This webinar will feature a panel of developers from repositories that have implemented or about to release standardized data metrics: Dataverse, Dryad, and Zenodo. More information and webinar sign-up here.
    April 1, 2019 (In-Person): Our pre-RDA13 workshop in Philadelphia. In this workshop, we’ll be demonstrating how repositories and publishers can contribute data usage statistics and citations as well as providing information about the future of our project. More details can be found here.
    All the best,
    Daniella Lowenberg
    On behalf of,
    Make Data Count

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