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Data Usage Metrics WG

  • Creator
  • #134357

    Collaborative session notes:​​​​​​

    Introductions: WG goals, deliverables, & WG team (5 min)

    Brief overview of work done since RDA13 and what data usage metrics means to us

    Ongoing initiative updates

    Make Data Count (15 min) – further development of CoP and repository implementation

    Barriers to Adoption Discussion (45 min)

    Report out of publisher survey results

    Discussion on barriers to adoption and lessons learned

    Discussion on steps following the working group and final outputs

    Next Steps (10 min)

    Roadmap check-in, work packages discussion, closing

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    PID IG

    Avoid conflict with the following group (3)
    PID Information Types WG

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Daniella Lowenberg

    Meeting objectives

    Presentation and discussion of data usage metrics WG scope and deliverables

    WG member share-out of initiatives within the space

    WG member led discussion on barriers to adoption and publisher survey results

    Roadmap development & consensus on next-steps for adoption of and researcher education on data usage metrics (closing the WG and beyond the WG)

    Privacy Policy

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