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RDA P21 repository lightening talks

  • Creator
  • #97700

    Meredith Goins

    Dear Colleagues,
    As one of the co-chairs of the Certification of Digital Repositories IG, I ask for your assistance in securing 5-minute lightning talk presentations from repositories during our RDA P21 session at International Data Week in Salzburg, Austria, this coming October.
    Presentations during this session currently include a TRUST WG update, Devan Donaldson sharing some of his research, and an update from CoreTrustSeal.
    Might one or two of you be interested in sharing your experiences others can learn from? Suggested topics include:
    * Recent certification experiences
    * Certification criteria used as self-evaluations
    * Any hindrances to CoreTrustSeal, or the TRUST principles you’d like to share?
    * Other ideas are welcomed as long as they involve repositories and some element of certification
    Thank you in advance for sharing this with others who may be interested.
    Thank you,
    Meredith P. Goins, MSIS
    Executive Director, WDS International Program Office
    c/o WDS-IPO at UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute
    1-865-368-7980 | ***@***.*** |

  • Author
  • #129114

    Dear Meredith,

    thank you for the invitation! I was indeed thinking of going to the International Data Week and would happily give a lightning talk about our (ARCHE) experiences with CTS.

    A possible title would be: Doing it all over again: Getting the Core Trust Seal and renewing it

    I would briefly talk about main challenges we had when we first applied and then talk about our experiences with the renewal (A few things become easier).

    Do you already know for which day the IG is scheduled?

    Best from Vienna,

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