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Data Repository Attributes Working Group (DRAWG) Working Meeting

  • Creator
  • #133968

    Allyson Lister

    Collaborative session notes:…
    Link to latest draft:
    1. Introductions (5 minutes)
    2. Overview of attributes list (15 mins)
    3. Invited critiques from three key stakeholders  (20 minutes)

    Andrew Treloar, Australian Research Data Commons
    Olof Olsson, Swedish National Data Service
    Jennie Larkin, United States National Institutes of Health

    4. Breakout session to discuss and address comments, organised into groups by stakeholder (30 minutes)
    5. Reports from Groups (15 minutes) 
    6. Concluding remarks, Q&A (5 minutes)

    Additional links to informative material
    Data Repository Attributes Working Group Case Statement,

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Domain Repositories IG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    The working group seeks to develop a list of common attributes that describe research data repositories with a definition for each attribute, provide a rationale for its value and use, assess the feasibility of its implementation, and undertake a gap analysis of the current availability of these attributes in repositories. We will also produce a selection of examples of different approaches currently being taken by repositories to express and expose these attributes to users and user-agents.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Matthew Cannon

    Meeting objectives
    The working group is one year into developing a common list of attributes that can be used to describe research data repositories. The current draft of the attributes will be presented followed by three invited critiques to foster discussion and a lively exchange of ideas. Participants will break up into small groups to discuss and identify gaps based on different stakeholder perspectives.
    The objectives of the working group meeting are to 1) discuss the work being undertaken by the group members; 2) present the progress that the group has made to stakeholders and potential members; and receive feedback from the community 3) plan next steps for the remaining six months of the group.

    Privacy Policy

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