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Review comments of session proposal for RDA P15

  • Creator
  • #105889

    Devika Madalli 

    Mon, Dec 23, 5:01 PM (18 hours ago)


    to Iain

    Dear Iain and Chairs of  the Data Policy Standardization and Implementation  IG
    After reviewing your session proposal the following are comments that need your attention: 
    — More information on the agenda is needed. Not clear from the current agenda that there will be time for discussion.
     — Suggest 30 mins for discussion
    — also the word ‘framework’ should appear somewhere in the title (as well as publisher)
    Please consider the comments above and improve upon your session proposal accordingly. There is no need to re-submit your proposal but the changes must be incorporated on your online agenda for the meeting.
    Congratulations on acceptance of your session for the RDA P15. Have a fruitful session!
    Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you all.
    With best regards
    Devika Madalli
    Group Liaison

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