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Request: Biomedical Data License review

  • Creator
  • #108262

    Ingrid Heggland

    Dear RDA community,
    On behalf of one of my colleagues at NTNU (The Norwegian University of Science and Technology), I would like to ask for feedback on a draft for a Biomedical Data License which is coordinated by HUNT data center See below for the full request.
    I am a new member of RDA, and I do apologize if these groups are not the most suitable. Any suggestions of other groups or communities (also outside RDA) that would be relevant to contact are highly appreciated.
    The PDF license draft can be accessed here:
    Best regards,
    Ingrid Heggland
    Senior Research Librarian
    Section for Collections and Digital Services
    NTNU University Library
    Dear Ingrid,
    Thank you for the opportunity to send the biomedical data license draft on review to the Research Data Alliance.
    Version 0.1.7. is attached as a PDF. The license context is described in page 2 and 5 of the document. The main goal of the license is to strengthen the integrity of biomedical data donors, and at the same time enable optimal conditions for knowledge extraction from donated data across many data controllers.
    The aim of the current version is to define a common set of control chapters that can align with a broad set of use cases. Any feedback along these lines are very much appreciated, such as:
    — Do the alliance members recognize a need to harmonize security requirements across various data controllers prior to data export of sensitive data?
    — Do the alliance members recognize the current control chapters as relevant for such a control purpose? And do the alliance members identify other control dimensions that should be included as separate chapters?
    — Does the modular structure fit their identified control needs, and do four control levels within each control chapter reflect their current requirements?
    Any other comments are appreciated as well, especially experience on how to arrange a robust governance model for such a license.

    Best regards,
    Oddgeir Lingaas Holmen, MD PhD
    Head of Research, HUNT data center, ISM/MH
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

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