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Report from RDA P10 IG meeting & welcome to new co-chairs

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  • #117738

    Iain Hrynaszkiewicz

    Dear Data Policy standardisation and implementation IG members,
    We’re pleased to share with you a report from our IG meeting in Montreal last week. Thanks to all the attendees in particular our speakers and those who helped make collaborative notes, upon which this report is based:
    The summary and next steps are also included in this email.
    I also wanted to welcome 2 new co-chairs. Simon Goudie (Wiley, Australia) has replaced Simone Taylor (Wiley, USA) and Azhar Hussain (Jisc, UK) has replaced David Kernohan (Jisc, UK).
    We will be in touch with the IG again in due course. Meanwhile feel free to contact us with questions.
    Kind regards
    Summary and next steps
    The second official meeting of this IG was attended by around 70 people and there is consensus on the first working group-like activity of this IG. This is, to produce templates for journal and publisher data policies informed by publisher developments in the past year and requirements gathered at the community calls, and plenaries, in 2017. The IG remains open to facilitating discussion and future outputs around funder policy standardisation and implementation as there is demand to address this issue. Efforts on funder policy need to coordinated with other nascent initiatives in this area, however. Next steps:
    * Co-chairs to review and update list of journal/publisher policy requirements and establish if these are sufficient raw materials to draft a journal/publisher policy framework with the aim of evolving policy templates into official working group activity in 2018
    * Co-chairs to add member(s) from editorial and publishing groups such as Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
    * Co-chairs connect with other groups (RDA, CODATA, Belmont Forum) to align and complement one another’s objectives on funder policy
    Iain Hrynaszkiewicz
    Head of Data Publishing
    Open Research Group
    Springer Nature
    The Campus | Trematon Walk | Wharfdale Road | London N1 9FN
    M: +44 (0)7814 290576
    T: +44 (0)207 0146753
    ORCiD: 0000-0002-9673-5559
    Skype: iainh_z
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