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PLOS survey on Mental Health research sharing

  • Creator
  • #97923

    Iain Hrynaszkiewicz

    Dear all,
    With apologies for cross-posting, my colleagues and I at the nonprofit scientific publisher PLOS thought that this survey about research sharing and Open Science, aimed at mental health researchers and practitioners, would be of interest to the RDA data policy community.
    At PLOS, we are seeking to understand the attitudes and behaviors of mental health researchers and practitioners around Open Science practices like data sharing, code sharing, preprint posting, and preregistration. To encourage the broadest possible participation, we’d be very grateful if you could share this link to our 10-minute survey with mental health researchers and practitioners who may be interested in completing it:
    Responses to the survey will never be associated with individual participants, and the results will only be analyzed in aggregate. PLOS has committed to publicly sharing the anonymized data we collect so others in the research community can build on what we learn.
    The survey will initially be open through Monday, June 5. We hope you can share the survey link with your members through channels you deem suitable. A sample post for social media is here. If this timing isn’t possible for your organization but you would like to pass the survey along, please let us know as we may extend the survey timeframe.
    Thank you for considering this request, and please let me know if you have any questions.
    Best wishes
    Iain Hrynaszkiewicz
    Director, Open Research Solutions
    Empowering researchers to transform science
    PLOS, Nine Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 1GE, United Kingdom
    California (U.S.) corporation #C2354500, based in San Francisco

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