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WG: Version 2 For review: Data Granularity WG Case Statement

  • Creator
  • #101127

    Brigitte Mathiak

    Dear group,
    We got it!
    The RDA council has endorsed us as an RDA working group. Thank you so much for your contributions and support!
    This means we will have to get serious with the tasks at hand. Please consider using the Sub-group Sign-up Sheet to indicate your interests, if you haven’t done so already.
    See you next week for our regular meeting,
    Von: Stefanie Kethers
    Gesendet: Thursday, 12 August 2021 09:32
    An: McNeill, Katherine
    Cc: Reyna Jenkyns ; Mathiak, Brigitte ; Breitman, Karin (PACE) ; Secretariat ; Bridget Walker
    Betreff: Re: Version 2 For review: Data Granularity WG Case Statement
    Dear Katy, Reyna and Brigitte,
    I am happy to inform you that the RDA Council has endorsed the Data Granularity WG. Congratulations!
    Your group has been updated with this information. The “end date” for the group will be set to 3 February 2023, so you would be expected to provide your final Recommendation by then.
    We look forward to great work from your group! Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance .
    Best wishes,

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