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Indicate if Interested in Participating (by Feb. 20): Completing Data Granularity WG outputs

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  • #96678

    Katherine McNeill

    Dear Data Granularity WG Members,
    I’m writing with an update and invitation. After a great WG check-in
    meeting last week (see notes
    we’re excited to put together a small team to complete the final work on
    our outputs (for RDA endorsement). We’ll keep the broader group updated,
    and at this moment are looking to welcome/invite any of you to help with
    tasks in this final stage. Task activities include:
    – Gathering additional information
    – Writing/reviewing
    – Processing feedback
    – Promotion & outreach
    *ACTION: Please let me know if you have the capacity & would like to help
    work on a task in this final phase (by next Tuesday February 20th). Then
    we’ll match tasks to small group members and set up some working meetings.*
    No pressure to participate at this stage (we know there’s lots going on,
    and appreciate all your involvement to date). Reminder that we’ll keep the
    larger group updated through email and monthly meetings (invite for March
    forthcoming), as well as give the opportunities to provide feedback on the
    final outputs.
    Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued
    interest in this work.
    Katy McNeill (on behalf of Co-Chairs Reyna Jenkins & Brigitte Matthiak)

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