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Data Granularity WG update & actions for members

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  • #102026

    Katherine McNeill

    Dear members of the Data Granularity Working Group,
    Hope this email finds you well. For those of you unable to attend, we had a proper first group meeting last week (as a not-yet-endorsed WG). See minutes & agenda. You should be on the meeting invite for the regular cycle (if not, please reach out to Reyna Jenkyns).
    General reminders/updates:
    * Our WG now has its proposed Case Statement under community review
    * One area of improvement for the Case Statement: organisational member endorsement. We discussed at the last meeting that WG proposals are strongest if they have endorsement of organisational members (who could declare an interest in implementing the planned outputs). So we would like to explore those options as a group.
    * We have two plenary sessions planned: one for the Granularity WG [plenary acceptance TBC] and the other joint with FAIR Data Maturity Model WG [learned this week it’s been accepted]
    Next actions needed:
    * All (by March 5th): consider any further suggestions for the group’s Case Statement and post your comments to the RDA Case Statement web site
    * All (by March 10th): pass onto Reyna or Katy any questions or suggestions for the FAIR Data Maturity Model WG joint plenary session [update, we learned this week it’s been accepted for the plenary]
    * All (by March 18th next group meeting):
    o consider organisations (yours or others) who might be suitable to present a granularity scenario at our session at the RDA plenary
    o consider any RDA organisational members you know of (yours or otherwise) who have granularity needs that the WG might be able to meet (and thus it would be valuable to incorporate that into the case statement, both to ensure such projects are included and to acquire a formal endorsement for the WG from the organisational member).
    And if you anyone else who would like to join the WG to contribute to its projects, please remind them to sign up at the RDA Data Granularity WG page on the RDA web site. We will be using that group email list for communication.
    Katy McNeill, on behalf of:
    RDA Data Granularity WG Co-Chairs: Reyna Jenkyns, Brigitte Mathiak, Katherine McNeill
    Katherine McNeill
    Research Data Program Manager & Collections Librarian
    Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services

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