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Preliminary agenda of topics for our Dec. 6th DFT virtual meeting

  • Creator
  • #128943

    The following is a preliminary agenda of topics for our Dec. 6th  virtual meeting
    Among the things we plan on talking about are:
    1. General Overview on Progress towarda 3rd Plenary
    2. Update on vocabulary tool protyping (Semantic Media Wiki & SeaIce)
    3. Update in candidate vocabularies and vocabulary method
    4. Status of Draft Documents (1-3) and plan to update these and draft  Doc 4 (synthesis by Peter and Raphael) for Plenary.
    5. January VM meeting & schedule/plans to develop vocabulary and complete documents to prepare for 3rd Plenary
    6. Update on the progress of the “Outputs and IP Task Force”. See
    7 Status of Proposal for an RDA Interest Group on Semantic Interoperability
    8. General discussion including WG coordination.

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