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Plenary 3 – Data Foundation and Terminology

  • Creator
  • #138635

    Co-Chairs: Peter Wittenburg, Gary Berg-Cross, & Raphael Ritz

    The Data Foundation and Terminology Working Group is engaged to describe a basic abstract data organization model with a derived reference data terminology that can be used across communities and stakeholders to better synchronize conceptualization, enable better understanding within and between communities and stimulate tool building. The 2 sessions at the 3rd Plenary will largely be devoted to briefing, review and discussion of the candidate vocabulary and the underlying models they are based on.  Two Use Cases from the community will be presented as examples of relevant work along with emerging standards such as ITU-T X.1255.  The WG will focus on reaching consensus on a core set of terms organized around 10 area.

    The following is the working agenda for the 2 DFT Breakout session being held Thursday, March 27th.

     DFT Session  1      (Thursday 27th March 2014 -Day 2. 1100-1230) Overview of the DFT Breakout Session- Goals and Plan

    • Brief overview of WG Tasks, Products and their Schedule
    • Introduction to Vocabulary Methodology, Term Tool, Adopter Use Cases & Relevant standards
    • Intro to 10 Category Organization of Core Terms and Sample Definitions
    • General Discussion of first 3 Categories:
      1. Digital/Data Object
      2. Persistent Identifiers
      3. Digital Collections – Data Set – Aggregations

    Session – Part 2 (Thursday 27th March 2014 -Day 2- 1330-1500)

    • Discussion of remaining 7 categories
    • Soliciting ideas for additional Use Cases and candidate vocabulary items
    • Liaison with other WGs and their topics including collaborative work. 
    • Formalizing action items & getting commitments for work, -e.g. how to finalize candidate vocabularies

    Schedule and plan for follow up virtual meetings. 

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