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RDA WGDC Session at P8 in Denver

  • Creator
  • #122080

    Andreas Rauber

    Dear all,
    We have applied for a session at th eupcoming P8 Meeting in Denver:
    If you have any suggestions for additional agenda items, and
    specifically if you want to provide an update / presentation on on-going
    implementations of the recommendations, issues discovered, etc., please
    let us know.
    best regards,
    Andreas Rauber

  • Author
  • #132823

    Dear all,


    Our Session request for P8 in Denver has been approved. We will have a break-out session in

    Breakout 4 – Friday, 16 Sept, 11:00 – 12:30


    the main goal of this break-out session will be to present and discuss lessons learned from the various implementation projects that are currently underway, with our without explicit funding support from RDA-Europe or RDA-US.

    If you are planning to give a short presentation, please let me know (if you haven’t done so yet). It would eb also great of we could collect the slides a few days prior to the meeting to integrate them into one set to avoid switching laptos and making sure we can lign them up nicely. Until then you may also use the space on our Wiki to document progress of your projects.


    Looking forward to seeing you in Denver!



  • #132439

    Dear all,

    Welcome to all of you who have already arrived in Dever for the P8 meeting. We will have an exciting break-out session bringing together updates on the current implementations of the recommendations as well as comments from different communities.

    The meeting will take place on Fri., Sep.16, 11:00-12:30, in Tower Court D

    The agenda currently looks as follows:

    11:00 Welcome and quick recap of the recommendations

    11:10 Reports from individual adoption activities

    • Stefan Pröll: CSV reference implementation (presented by Andreas Rauber)
    • Cynthia Hudson Vitale (WUSTL)
    • Cynthia Chandler (WHOI / BCO-DMO)
    • James Duncan (UVM / VMC)
    • Justin Buck (BODC / ARGO)
    • Carlo Maria Zwölf (OBSPM / VAMDC)
    • Anita Smyth (TERN / ANDS WG)
    • Martin Fenner (DataCite)

    12:20 Q&A, Future Plans

    Please let us know if anybody else wants to present any updates on implementations (or if I missed anybody in this list, apologies in advance if so) and we’ll do our best to squeeze it into the compressed schedule.

    Those who are not familiar with the recommendations may want to take a look at the summary page which provides also download links to the 2-page flyer and the full article providing some more background information on the individual recommendations, all available at

    Looking forward to see you at the break-out meeting!


  • #132430

    Dear all,

    Thanks a lot for atending today’s break-out session! The slides of all presentations are now available at the RDA Website under our WG repository at

    They provide links to more detailed back-ground material on the pilots presented beyond what was possible to discuss in the limited time available, as well as contact details of the PIs and their teams presenting the pilots. We will follow up with information on upcoming conference calls allowing the individual pilots to be presented in more detail in the next few weeks.

    Thanks again for attending, and as usual, any feedback on the session, the pilots, the recommendations etc. is highly welcome!

    best regards, Andi


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