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RDA WG-HRPOs: Invitation for adopting the guidelines and recommendations for implementing FAIR policy in health research

  • Creator
  • #99153

    Dear recipient,
    We would like to bring your attention to the RDA working group (more
    details below) and invite you to consider adopting the guidelines and
    recommendations for implementing FAIR policy in health research.
    The new Research Data Alliance Working Group on Raising FAIRness in
    health data and health research performing organisations (HRPOs)
    was officially endorsed in August 2020 in order to provide HRPOs with a
    set of clear and simple guidelines for implementing FAIR Data policy in
    health research. For that purpose, we have worked on the documents below:
    * Landscape analysis
    on FAIR adoption of health research data taking into consideration
    levels of privacy and ethical considerations granted to such data in
    regions around the world.
    * Impact assessment
    on of such restrictions in terms of research, as well as scientific,
    financial and societal impacts.
    * Community survey
    on “Data Sharing and FAIR Data Policy”.
    * Draft FAIR Guidelines for HRPOs
    for implementing FAIR data policy in health research.
    We are currently submitting the results to the RDA Secretariat, and
    request you to review the guidelines and adopting them at your
    organization. We also solicit your feedback on the WG outputs,
    especially the draft guidelines and would love to hear your
    Please, if you belong to a health research group or entity interested in
    recommendations to define a FAIR data policy in your organization, reply
    to this email and we will provide you with more information.
    Thank you in advance.
    Kind regards,
    S. Venkataraman, Celia Alvarez-Romero, Kristan Kang and Anupama Gururaj
    – the co-chairs.

    *Celia Alvarez Romero, MSc*
    *Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla*
    Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud
    de Sevilla
    Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Centro de Documentación Clínica
    Avda. Manuel Siurot s/n – 41013 SEVILLA
    Tel. +34 *955 013 313 – (313313)* ::: Fax. +34 *955013310 – (313310)*

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