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Crowd sourced data curation playlist

  • Creator
  • #99278

    Wanda Marsolek

    Apologies for cross-posting. Please share broadly!
    In April I made a call for data folks to fill out a survey
    and share what kind of music you like
    to listen to when curating data or working with data. Thank you all for
    your help. I’m sharing the results. Please enjoy!
    Google Spreadsheet
    The Crowdsourced data curation playlist
    spreadsheet provides access to music 66 data librarians and data curators
    listen to when curating data. Columns in the spreadsheet include what type
    of data is curated when listening to a song/music, how the song/music makes
    the person who suggested feel, the musician and song title, a Youtube video
    link to the song, and if the song has lyrics or not.
    For folks who want to click once and have a playlist with autoplay we have
    you covered. The Youtbe playlist includes 157 music videos ranging from 1
    minute 58 seconds in length to 11 hours 45 minutes. The first 47 videos in
    the playlist are videos without lyrics to help those who prefer music
    without lyrics when curating data.
    Tidal (subscription required)
    Just in case you have a subscription to Tidal, you can find the playlist
    there too. I was originally going to post a playlist in Spotify since folks
    can have limited free access, but I don’t agree with many of their
    practices and Tidal is musician owned and pays artists a bit more.
    You can find the data at
    Marsolek, Wanda. (2022). Crowdsourcing a music playlist for curating data.
    Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota,
    Mx Wanda Marsolek, MLIS
    Pronouns : they/them/theirs
    Engineering Liaison and Data Curation Librarian
    University of Minnesota Libraries
    Walter Library 335A
    *The University of Minnesota is located on stolen
    lands of
    the **Dakhóta people. *

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