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[CodeMeta] We need you! provide feedback for CodeMeta v3.0 before June 15

  • Creator
  • #101464

    Morane Gruenpeter

    Dear all,
    Apologies for cross-posting.
    I’m writing to you today to get your feedback on a software metadata matter
    on the CodeMeta repository . If you
    haven’t heard about the CodeMeta project and
    vocabulary, CodeMeta is a subset of classes SoftwareSourceCode
    and SoftwareApplications, providing additional properties for research
    software. CodeMeta vocabulary is in a json-ld format and developers can use
    a codemeta.json file to insert metadata in their repository. This metadata
    can be indexed and helps the discoverability/findability of the software
    (see how Software Heritage uses codemeta.json and other intrinsic metadata
    The *Force11 Software Citation Implementation Working Group *has set the
    CodeMeta task force, with co-leads Martin Fenner from DataCite and
    Myself (Morane
    Gruenpeter from Software Heritage). The task force is working on updating
    the schema to version 3.0, with a particular focus on aligning the
    CodeMeta schema
    with metadata.
    During the last few months we have discussed on the task force and with the
    CodeMeta maintainers (Matthew B. Jones, Carl Boettiger) how community
    consensus should be acquired and doing so with the GitHub issue tracker
    seems most adequate.
    *Please* *provide feedback *even if it is only adding +1 on one or more
    issues which are labeled v3.0. Specifically, we need your feedback on the
    following terms in CodeMeta 2.0 which are summarized in
    – [ ] softwareSuggestions #233
    – [ ] contIntegration #243
    – [ ] buildInstructions #245
    – [ ] developmentStatus #244
    – [ ] embargoDate #254
    – [ ] issueTracker #252
    – [ ] readme #247
    – [ ] hasSourceCode #246 (not a CodeMeta term, but was recently discussed
    here on
    The task force asks for input until *June 15*, so that CodeMeta version 3.0
    can ideally be finalized during the summer. After this work is done, the
    task force will propose the integration of all CodeMeta terms into the schema, so that CodeMeta becomes fully aligned with for
    better interoperability with existing documentation, tooling, and related
    For any questions or comments that are not a good fit for the GitHub issue
    tracker, please reach out to me or Martin via email.
    Finally, if you are looking for a tool to create easily a codemeta.json
    file, you can use the CodeMeta generator, the hosted version is available
    Hope to see you all in lively comments on the repository!
    Kind regards,

    Morane Ottilia GRUENPETER
    Software engineer and metadata specialist
    Software Heritage
    @INRIA Paris
    personal website:

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