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RE: [council-strategy][council-engagement] Seeking advice on P11 (and P12) location

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  • #120692

    Juan Bicarregui

    I don’t see a problem with bouncing back to Europe once more if we are going South or East for P12.
    Is Australasia is an option?
    – Show quoted text -From: parsom3=***@***.*** [parsom3=***@***.***] on behalf of Mark Parsons [***@***.***]
    Sent: 27 October 2016 18:06
    To: Council Strategy subcommittee; Council Engagement and Communications subcommittee
    Subject: [council-strategy][council-engagement] Seeking advice on P11 (and P12) location
    Dear strategists and engagers,
    I seek your input.
    Both of these subcommittees began some discussions on future plenaries. Council discussed this briefly at their meeting in Denver and has asked the Strategy Subcommittee to advise on a strategy for determining a location for P11 (and beyond for that matter). Given that the Engagement SC has been discussing this as well it only seems reasonable that they weigh in too.
    As background:
    * P9 is April in Barcelona
    * P10 is Sept in Montreal.
    * We’re exploring having P13 or 14 back in the US.
    * Germany, UK, and Greece (and probably other European countries) have also expressed interest in hosting a future Plenary.
    * International Data Week was largely seen to be a success and there is consensus that we (CODATA, WDS, RDA) should do it again. Although it is soon, it could be for P12 (Sept 2018). Where is an open question, but ICSU has an interest in going south. Maybe Africa. Much discussion still needs to occur. I have attached a draft assessment of the Denver IDW, if you are interested.
    So the immediate question is where to do P11 (Mar/Apr 2018)? How do we decide?
    Issues to consider:
    * It seems inappropriate to go back to Europe or North America for P11 after three consecutive plenaries in the North Atlantic.
    * We have had some initial interest from China that probably could be fostered. The interest was from an Ag institute and we would want to build more relations with the Chinese Academy of Science and the Ministry of Sci&Tech
    * An Argentine (quasi-govt) institute has also expressed some interest.
    * Both China and Argentina would need good local champions and more “pre-work”
    * Do we want to have two consecutive plenaries (P11 and P12) outside the North Atlantic?
    Like I say, I seek your feedback and ideas. This is clearly a Should we put out an open call? Should we target a particular region? How much does the decision about IDW and P12 affect things? What would best advance the work and the membership of RDA? Which is more important? How do we make the biggest impact?
    This is probably a telecon topic, but I’d love to hear peoples thoughts. We need to move quickly on this.

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