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Invitation to join BigDataStack Technologies for Shipping webinar – 26 June 14.00 CEST

  • Creator
  • #108473

    Marieke Willems

    Dear all,
    The BigDataStack project is organising a webinar on Big Data Technologies for Shipping. The webinar will show the added value of Big Data for the Shipping Industry on the basis of the Use-Case lead by Danaos, a leading international maritime player with more than 60 container ships. We’ll address how BigDataStack algorithms optimize and help cut costs on maintenance and spare parts inventory planning and dynamic routing.
    BigDataStack is a unique high-powered stack of solutions with a focus on providing fully efficient and optimised processes across the complete set of technologies required by data operations and data-intensive applications. Information on the webinar and registration link available here:
    Kind regards,
    Marieke Willems
    Communication, Dissemination and Stakeholder Engagement

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