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Session at RDA plenary meeting > Breakout 4 (Thursday 11pm), Room A03

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  • #111786

    Helena Cousijn

    Dear all,
    With this email we’d like to invite you to attend the Data Fitness session taking place at the RDA plenary meeting this week.
    Mustapha Mokrane, Shelley Stall and Peter Doorn will provide updates on relevant work in the area of Data Fitness, which will be followed by a proposal for Data Fitness criteria and a discussion on governance.
    The meeting agenda can be found below this email.
    For those not attending the RDA plenary meeting, remote attendance is possible.
    Best wishes,
    Claire, Jon, Michael and Helena
    Meeting agenda
    The session will be introduced with an overview on the progress of the group, in particular presenting the consolidated list of criteria characterizing fitness for use. The following presentations will outline various approaches for the evaluation of fitness for use of individual data sets. We will end with a discussion on the different possibilities for governance.
    * Presentations (60 min)
    * Data Fitness for Use as part of the CoreTrustSeal: Mustapha Mokrane – Chair of the CoreTrustSeal Board
    * Assessing FAIRness within the Enabling FAIR Data project: Shelley Stall – Director of the AGU Data Program
    * A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness: Peter Doorn – Director of Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
    * Proposed criteria Data Fitness for Use WG: Michael Diepenbroek – Co-Chair of the Data Fitness for Use WG
    * Discussion on governance (30 minutes)
    Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registration No. 33156677, Registered in The Netherlands.

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