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UN World Data Forum 2024 Medellín, Colombia 11-14 November 2024 EOSC-Future/RDA AIDV-WG Session Proposal: Engaging digital communities in building data systems for achieving the UN SDGs and real-world outcomes

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  • #138900

    Francis Crawley

    This session presents the three governance tools developed by the European Open Science Cloud – Future and Research Data Alliance Artificial Intelligence & Data Visitation Working Group (AIDV-WG) working across data disciplines, sectors, and systems for engaging digital communities in building data systems for achieving the United Nation’s 2030 Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) and through real-world outcomes. This session focuses on advancing knowledge and data governance policy and practices for meeting the needs of data and AI governence through an examination of
    1. Guidance for informed consent in AI and data visitation
    2. Guidance for ethics committees reviewing AI and data visitation
    3. Guidance on the development of AI Bills of Rights
    By focusing on harnessing the power of digital communities, the session aligns with the objectives of the UNWDF by promoting innovative approaches to the governance of data collection, analysis, and utilization for sustainable development. It facilitates the exchange of best practices, tools, and methodologies for engaging digital communities in generating high-quality data and translating it into tangible outcomes that contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. The session supports the mandate of the HLG-PCCB in strengthening governance and participation structures for building statistical capacities and coordination mechanisms to support the 2030 Agenda. Through knowledge-sharing, capacity-building, and fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships, the session helps to advance the global agenda for sustainable development and build momentum towards achieving the SDGs by 2030.


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