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Today’s EOSC-Future/RDA AIDV-WG: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Building Responsible Open Science Infrastructures

  • Creator
  • #97322

    Francis Crawley

    Dear EOSC-Future/RDA AIDV-WG Members,
    I wanted to share with you a reminder for our upcoming webinar one hour today 27 September from 13:00 to 15:00 UTC; 15:00 to 17:00 CEST (Brussels time). The webinar is held in cooperation with the CODATA IDPC and as part of the Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) 10th Anniversary Webinar Series under the theme of Sustainable Development and Responsible Research: ‘The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Building Responsible Open Science Infrastructures’. We currently have over 335 registrations.
    Please find attached an updated programme. If you are interested in in this interactive discussion do register now using this link.
    Again, we are pleased to have as Keynote Speaker
    Dr. Daniel Hook, CEO of Digital Science, Co-founder, Symplectic, Research Information Management Provider, Research on Research Institute (RoRI)
    Kind regarda,


  • Author
  • #129082


    Thanks to everyone for a great webinar today on  Role of Artificial Intelligence in Building Responsible Open Science Infrastructures. 

    Many of today’s speaker presentations are now posted on the AIDV-WG File Repository

    Shared notes from today’s webinar containing many valuable insights are available here

    The webinar recording will be posted soon. 




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