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The Ethics of AI and Data Visitation: Building Blocks for Data Commons and Open Science

  • Creator
  • #133966

    Francis Crawley

    Collaborative session notes:…
    Meeting Opening
    1. Framing the ethics of AI and DV within the contexts of data commons and open science
    2. Emprirical evidence regarding scientists and the public on the use of AI and DV
    3. The current ethical and legal challenges to consent in using AI and DV for data sharing
    4. Learnings from UNESCO’s Recommendations on Open Science and AI
    5. Situating the ethics of AI and DV within the European Research Policy Agenda 2022-2024

    Additional links to informative material

    The European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles, a seminal document for all deliverables, perhaps most particularly for Deliverable 5: An AI Bill of Rights see this explanation.
    TEHADS: Primary recommendations to foster GDPR-compliant data altruism mechanisms for the EHDS Deliverable 2 and 3. Discussion on data altruism (in the health data space)
    The EMA/HMA ‘Recommendation paper on decentralised elements in clinical trials’ 13 December 2022; Deliverables 2 and 3. Discussion on e-consent in clinical trials

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation (AIDV) WG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    Both AI and DV open a myriad of ethical and legal issues, many of which are already present in conventional data sharing. These ethical and legal issues, however, take on new meaning when new technologies and new modes of interaction and conduct are developed for data exchange. These challenges include those of access, privacy, confidentiality, consent, accountability, transparency, accuracy, integrity, and explainability. The AIDV-WG focuses on the ethical and legal issues of these technologies in the context of Open Science. It also examines the impact of these technologies on society and science policy. As European and global scientific governance moves at an accelerated pace to reform science through Open Science, it is critical that we appreciate the complexities of the ethical, legal, technical, and societal issues within the framework of Open Science and its goals for the future of science in our communities and globally.
    The EOSC-Future / RDA Artificial Intelligence & Data Visitation (AIDV-WG)  builds an expert cross-disciplinary network of that includes expertise in AI, data science, and data stewardship as well as involving researchers focused on the ethical, legal, and social questions and challenges that surround these technologies. There is a special interest to include AI designers and developers so that technical aspects of these technologies represented in the work will be strengthened. To embrace diverse perspectives, experts are drawn from across geographical regions. The AIDV-WG includes experts from ongoing EU and international projects in AI and DV, as well as experts in building technical platforms and enterprises employing either AI or DV, particularly those associated with EOSC or other Open Science platforms. We consider the need for an EOSC Exchange that enables data transfer, research data as a service, data interoperability, and understands the current research software that would enable or contribute to such an EOSC Exchange. The focus is on building a multidisciplinary understanding of the ethical, legal, and social issues in relation to systems technologies and system users. The EOSC-Future / RDA AIDV-WG works to identify the AI challenges and solutions to data sharing and Open Science, and build our ethical, legal, and social guidance on responses that support good governance in the future of the EOSC.
    The vision of the AIDV-WG is to bring together expertise across disciplines and regions to ensure ameliorate the use of AI and DV in research and innovation across technologies and sectors to address the grand challenges of society.
    The mission of the AIDV-WG is to contribute to building the ethical, legal, social, and technical frameworks and bridges enabling the open sharing and re-use of data in the framework of Open Science.
    The following specific objectives are pursued by the AIDV-WG:

    Developing an understanding of the ethical and legal challenges AI and DV in Open Science across user groups.
    Contribute to clarity in, and the development of, the ethics and legal frameworks to facilitate user engagement in Open Science.
    Provide a European and global platform for engaging ethics, law, and social considerations in AI, data sharing, DV, and Open Science policy development.

    Group chair serving as contact person
    Francis P. Crawley

    If “Other,” Please specify:
    Data ethics, data sharing

    Meeting presenters
    Francis P. Crawley, Elif Ekmekci; Claudia Bauzer Medeiros – we are also discussing with members of the AIDV-WG and other experts for specific presenters/discussants

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