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AI-DV Deliverable 2: Legal-Ethical

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  • #129062

    Thank you for sending this email.
    Best regards,
    Mr Ademola Adeyeye MBBS, PGDE, MSc(London), MMCS, FRCS(England), FRCS(Edinburgh), FACS, FEBS(Surgical Oncology), FMAS, FWACS.General Surgeon and European Board Certified Surgical Oncologist,Vice President and CPD coordinator, Nigerian Society for Colorectal Disorders,Associate Professor of Surgery,ABUAD,Nigeria Senior Surgical Research Fellow in Colorectal Surgery, King’s College Hospital, London, United Kingdom
    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
    On Monday, November 13, 2023, 2:47 PM, Alexander Bernier via Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation (AIDV) WG wrote:
    Dear colleagues, 
    Kindly find attached a first draft of Deliverable 2 of the AI-DV Working Group, on behalf of Ugochi, Hubert, and I. 
    We are formally sending this initial draft of the manuscript to solicit your feedback and comments. 
    Please feel free to send comments to me directly at ***@***.***, or to Francis through the usual channels. 
    We look forward to hearing your thoughts – and would be glad to discuss the manuscript further with you. 
    With warm wishes
    Attached files:
    Secure Processing Environments for Open Science Proposing Legal Foundations.docx

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