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2024 SEEKCommons Fellowship Opportunity Now Available

  • Creator
  • #97436

    Natalie Meyers

    Hi AIDV-WG members, 
    I’m writing to let you know that applications are now open for the inaugural SEEKCommons Fellowship cohort in an NSF funded FAIR OS Research Coordination Network project. 
    The goal of the fellowship is to bring graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, and professionals from community-based organizations with new perspectives to socio-environmental research with open technologies. The fellowship is designed to: encourage new integrative practices involving environmental and climate action research with Open Science practices; and provide a space for Fellows and network members to connect on research issues, challenges, and solutions, and put into practice SEEKCommons network resources.
    Fellows may be:

    Graduate students working with open technologies on sustainability/climate issues; conducting research with open technology on socio-environmental issues;

    Post-docs with existing community projects and initiatives on Science and Technology Studies, Open Science, or Socio-environmental research; or

    Community practitioners working with environmental data to advance action or policy who are interested in integrating open practices or technologies into their work.

    One of the fellowships is reserved for a Science Technology Studies fellow working on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and environmental data so I wanted to pass this opportunity along because our AIDV-WG membership may know graduate researchers who could be a great fit.
    This page contains basic fellowship information, and we’ve also created this FAQ. 
    Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 

  • Author
  • #129092

    Dear Natalie,
    Thank you so much for this opportunity.
    I will apply
    On Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 9:31 PM nmeyers via Artificial Intelligence and Data
    Visitation (AIDV) WG wrote:

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