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Reminder: Upcoming meeting June 13th on Collections as Data

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  • #141884

    Beth Knazook

    Hello Collections as Data members,

    This is a reminder of the upcoming zoom meeting on June 13th @ 17:00 UTC. Calendar invites have been sent out, but please reply to this email if you still need the link.

    We will aim to continue discussions from the last meetings about moving IG project ideas forward.

    There will also be a guest presentation from the Skills4EOSC Project, which aims to establish a ‘Museum Curator Network for FAIR data’ in the coming year. Please come and ask questions about how we can support this initiative!

    If you would like to be featured in a 5 min lightning talk to share what you’re working on with the group, please let us know!

    Papers, conferences, and other bits:

    -> Reminder that the Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DPASSH) conference to be held in Limerick, Ireland on June 27-28th on the theme of ‘Collections as Data/Data as Collections’ is fast approaching!

    -> The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) has issued a Call for Papers on ‘Amplifying GLAM Collections: Scalable and Inclusive Data Practices.’ Read the CFP here:

    -> The Heritage Innovation Lab has a really interesting, open toolset useful for cultural heritage practitioners and researchers:


    Beth Knazook

    Digital Repository of Ireland / Taisclann Dhigiteach na hÉireann
    Royal Irish Academy / Acadamh Rioga na hÉireann

    <font color=”#3e8f3a”></font> | @bknazook

    <font color=”#498f3c”></font><font color=”#4e8f3d”> </font>| @dri_ireland

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