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RE: [rda-archives-records-ig] Seeking help with the RDA-ARPRD IG appraisal project

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  • #118889

    RDA Admin

    Hello Lluís-Esteve,
    These are good questions. First, the way I understood it, the audience of the resources would be individuals without training in archives and records management. This includes the RDA community, but not all RDA members are practitioners (may be management or decision makers). The members may be recommending the document we create to others within their organization for implementation. Does that help clarify things?
    I do not think we should limit ourselves to English only resources. I have seen excellent resources in German and Spanish. I would recommend putting the citation and notes in English for the sake of this project. But that is a good point to consider – is RDA providing translations of their outcomes given our international audience? Once we have a tool to point people to the resources perhaps we should consider making the tool available in multiple languages.
    We actually had a discussion on whether that should be deaccession or not (I can’t recall the details of the discussion at the moment and why we decided on this term). If there is no objection I think changing it to disposition makes sense.
    Thank you so much!
    Sarah Ramdeen Doctoral Candidate
    School of Information and Library Science
    University of North Carolina
    – Show quoted text -From: ***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***]
    Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 3:15 AM
    To: Ramdeen, Sarah ; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***
    Subject: RE: [rda-archives-records-ig] Seeking help with the RDA-ARPRD IG appraisal project
    Dear all,
    Many thanks to share this information, below some questions about it.
    Appraisal Literature Review:
    – Could you confirm if the audience of this resource would be no professionals but RDA Community in general? It will be relevant to choose adequate materials.
    – These materials have they to be in English only?
    – Wouldn’t be more appropriate to use the term ‘disposition’ instead of ‘deaccession’? In the archival professional context it is the correct term.
    Thanks for these clarifications.
    Best regards,
    Lluís-Esteve Casellas i Serra
    City Council of Girona
    Head of Department of Records Management
    Data Privacy Manager
    Plaça del vi, 1. 17004 Girona (Catalonia, Spain)
    Tel.: +34 972 419 434
    ***@***.*** |
    De: ramdeen=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] En nom de ramdeen
    Enviat: miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017 0:35
    Per a: ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***; ***@***.***
    Tema: [rda-archives-records-ig] Seeking help with the RDA-ARPRD IG appraisal project
    Hello Everyone,
    The Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data Interest Group (ARPRD-IG) is working on a number of community tasks. These topics were determined by IG members at the Denver Plenary, and refined in Barcelona. I am leading the appraisal task and am writing to update you on our progress and ask for community assistance moving forward.
    We are creating an introductory level document on the concept of appraisal for domain researchers and people/organizations with little or no access to archival professionals in their organization. The document has four themes: introduction, development, metadata, and deaccession. Once we have a draft document we will reach out to other RDA Interest and Working groups for testing and implementation.
    We are asking our community members to assist with this project by providing resources on the various themes. We have a spreadsheet to capture citations, and a word document for summaries (brief overview of important aspects or why it might be relevant). Once we have a strong list of resources, we will assemble the materials.
    For more information about the project, refer to our overview document on the ARPRD-IG google drive, where you may also find all other documentation on the project.
    You may assist with this project in three ways. 1) provide citations and summaries of resources, 2) volunteer to help with assembling the final materials, and 3) sharing this email with other communities who may be interested in taking part in this project.
    1) To recommend materials
    Step 1: enter the article details in the literature review spreadsheet
    Step 2: Enter a summary of the document in the appropriate themed area of our notes document
    Deadline: Complete task of gathering resources by Plenary 10 meeting in September.
    2) To volunteer to help develop the outcome from these collected resources: Contact Sarah Ramdeen – ***@***.***
    Deadline: Volunteer by or at P10, task to be completed by March 2018 (P11).
    Remember to join our group on the RDA page to ensure you get future emails and keep up with our community.
    Thank you!
    Sarah Ramdeen Doctoral Candidate
    School of Information and Library Science
    University of North Carolina

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