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RDA Plenary 23 Planning meeting – June 24 16:00 UTC

  • Creator
  • #142228

    Beth Knazook

    Thanks to everyone who filled out the doodle poll for the Plenary session planning meeting. I’ve sent a calendar invite to interested participants and I invite anyone else who is available to attend to email me for the zoom link.

    Beth Knazook (she/her/sí/í)
    Project Manager, Research Data

    Digital Repository of Ireland / Taisclann Dhigiteach na hÉireann
    Royal Irish Academy / Acadamh Rioga na hÉireann

    <font color=”#3e8f3a”></font> | @bknazook

    <font color=”#498f3c”></font><font color=”#4e8f3d”> </font>| @dri_ireland

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