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Meeting summary

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  • #141990

    Beth Knazook

    Hello all,

    The minutes from today’s agenda and discussion are available here:

    We had a presentation from Heimo Rainer and Angus Whyte on the developing ‘Museum Curator Network for FAIR data’ being led by the Skills4EOSC project. They would appreciate expressions of interest from members of the group in their work scoping a minimum viable skillset for data stewardship for collections as data stewards, as well as reuse cases for collections as data, and we look forward to hearing more about their work through our RDA Collections as Data discussion board.

    Action item from the agenda:

    Draft a session proposal for the RDA Plenary in Costa Rica, 12-14 November 2024 DEADLINE 3 July 2024

    We have two discussion threads emerging from recent meetings that seem to be converging, at least in terms of facilitating a plenary discussion and output:

    => Reuse cases and AI statements<div>

    It was suggested that we could combine the two by considering AI reuse case(s) while we also explore what makes Collections as Data reuse different from other types of reuse cases that may emerge from other disciplines and areas of work within the RDA. We shared a little bit about the fuzzy borders of Collections as Data work, particularly where it marks a separation from traditional collections work. If you would like to contribute to the Plenary session proposal, I have started a document for ideas and suggestions:

    If you would like to meet virtually to discuss the proposal, I can facilitate a few small group chats in the coming weeks. You can let me know your availability in the doodle poll:


    Beth Knazook (she/her/sí/í)
    Project Manager, Research Data

    Digital Repository of Ireland / Taisclann Dhigiteach na hÉireann
    Royal Irish Academy / Acadamh Rioga na hÉireann

    <font color=”#3e8f3a”></font> | @bknazook

    <font color=”#498f3c”></font><font color=”#4e8f3d”> </font>| @dri_ireland


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