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Invitation for IG-ARP to CESSDA Data Archiving Guide Soft Launch, 16 Nov 2021

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  • #100535

    Laura Molloy

    Invitation to Data Archiving Guide Soft Launch
    16 November 2021 Online. Registration is open here.
    Members of the IG-ARP are invited to the soft launch of this new resource from CESSDA.
    The Data Archiving Guide (DAG)
    The Data Archiving Guide (DAG) is a new resource developed by CESSDA and is designed to provide employees at data archives and repositories with an understanding of the work a data archive performs. The information in the DAG was collected by experts from CESSDA social science data archives reflecting the procedures and policies at their local archives. While the context of these archives varies — in size, the underlying technical architecture or in the specific services provided to researchers — the DAG focuses on common ground and is a useful tool for professionals new to data archiving or those who are knowledgeable in one domain and now seek to broaden their expertise.
    Soft Launch Event
    On Tuesday 16 November 2021, CESSDA will host a Soft Launch for DAG. The website is still under construction, however, there is now substantial content in place and the timing is right to consult with the broader community. We have three goals for the Launch:

    Present the content of the four current modules: FAQs, Policies, Pre-ingest, and Ingest.
    Collect feedback from participants on these current modules.
    Present our current plan for additional modules and get advice from the community if these topics are appropriate, or if there are others we should consider.







    Libby Bishop, GESIS


    DAG Chapter 1: FAQs

    Ellen Leenart, DANS-KNAW


    DAG Chapter 2: Policies

    Dimitra Kondyli, EKKE




    DAG Chapter 3: Pre-ingest

    Ilze Lace, SND, University of Gothenburg


    DAG Chapter 4: Ingest

    Iris Butzlaff, AUSSDA, University of Vienna


    Future content plans

    Libby Bishop, GESIS

    The event consists of a short introduction, 45 minutes of presentations & discussions per each DAG Chapter (15 minutes presentation by author(s) and 30 minutes discussion) and time at the end for feedback and presentation of future content plans. Please note that the sessions may end earlier if the discussion takes less time than planned.
    Outline of content in DAG
    Chapter 1: Why archive data? FAQs
    FAQ 1: What is an archive?
    FAQ 2: What does an archive look like?
    FAQ 3: Why is archiving important?
    FAQ 4: What is data acquisition?
    FAQ 5: What is a certified archive?
    FAQ 6: How does an archive make data available?
    FAQ 7: What is archived?
    FAQ 8: What is the overall process of archiving from beginning to end?
    FAQ 9: What are relevant legislations and legal questions in relation to data archiving?
    FAQ 10: Where can I find a list of relevant terms?
    FAQ 11: What are the main tools used by archives?
    Chapter 2: Policies – The Role of Policies in Data Archives

    Data Collection and Data Acquisition Policies
    Data Preservation Policies
    Data Curation Policies
    Data Access Policies
    Data Dissemination Policies and Principles

    Chapter 3: Pre-Ingest

    Outreach and support
    Data submission
    Data review and appraisal
    Accepting or rejecting data

    Chapter 4: Ingest

    Handover from pre-ingest to ingest 
    OAIS Model: Relevance to ingest 
    Different services (workflows) for different kind of data deposit agreements
    Metadata (including controlled vocabularies)                                                                     
    Data types and formats                                                                                                       
    Quality assurance/preparation of data and documentation
    Updates and versioning                                                                                                      
    Adaptation of workflows and processes                                                                             
    Checklist of “general” ingest procedure steps                                                                    

    Bios of Presenters
    Libby Bishop, GESIS– Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (

    Libby Bishop is the Coordinator for International Data Infrastructures in the Data Services Department at GESIS-Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences in Germany. GESIS is a service provider to the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA). She leads the CESSDA Training Project that is developing the Data Archive Guide and coordinates additional projects involving GESIS and other European data infrastructures. She researches methodological and ethical challenges of curating data for sharing. Her most recent publication investigates differences between platforms and data types regarding informed consent for linking survey and social media data.

    Ellen Leenarts, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) (

    Ellen Leenarts is a research data management specialist and the training coordinator at KNAW-DANS. She has been providing training to researchers, data supporters and data stewards. She is currently part of the training teams of European projects as DICE, EOSC Future and SSHOC and acts as a training community manager overarching disciplines in the SSH training community and domains in the Community of practice of training coordinators and in the new EOSC Association Task Force Upskilling Countries to Engage in EOSC. In 2017 she led the CESSDA RDM Training project that produced the widely used online CESSDA Data Management Expert guide for researchers. Together with Ricarda Braukmann, Ellen is responsible for several online “Train-the-Trainer” services developed in SSHOC such as the SSH Training Discovery Toolkit and the brand new SSH Trainers’ Directory.

    Dimitra Kondyli, National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) (

    Dimitra Kondyli is a research director at EKKE in Greece. She studied sociology, political sciences and anthropology at the universities of Paris X-Nanterre, Paris VIII-St. Denis & ISP of Paris, France. Her PhD from the Doctoral School of Social Sciences, section of Anthropology, university Paris VIII-St. Denis deals with aspects of the information society in Greece. She has coordinated european as well as national research projects and has been part of the core research team in more than thirty research projects. Her research interests include: a) Social research methodological issues pertaining to the development of research infrastructures and the designing of their operations (i.e. networking, documentation of quantitative and qualitative surveys, classification schemes and thesaurus, dissemination and privacy issues etc) b) Research on Information Society and the impact of ICTs on the fields of work and education. c) Gender aspects of R&D d) Migration from a gender perspective.

    Ilze Lace, Swedish National Data Service (SND), University of Gothenburg (

    Ilze Lace is a research data advisor in SND and has a PhD in Sociology. She has been working for SND since 2012 in different professional roles with data acquisition and data curation as well as consulting researchers in the management of quantitative data within social sciences.

    Iris Butzlaff, The Austrian Social Science Data Archive (AUSSDA), University of Vienna (

    Iris Butzlaff coordinates the area of data access at AUSSDA, enabling interested researchers to access data. AUSSDA is a service provider to the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) and is located in Vienna, Austria. Iris also supports the team with data curation, as well as with long-term archiving, so she has expertise in the three core businesses of a digital data archive. In this way, the curated data can be easily found and remain available in the long term.

    Registration and Contact information
    The event will be hosted on Zoom. You need to register on the event website: You will receive a personalised link to enter the event by email as soon as you register. We advise you to add the event to your calendar after you register so you do not miss it.
    Email contact for questions regarding the event: Yevhen Voronin,

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