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Charter open for Community Review

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  • #96666

    Joan Murphy

    We are delighted to say that our charter is now in community review, and we are now awaiting feedback from the Secretariat, Technical Advisory Board, and other members of the RDA community. See this post for more information.

    Can I encourage you those of you who haven’t yet done so to take 2 minutes today to indicate your availability so that we can organise the next meeting ?
    Doodle poll for next meeting (shifting for an N/S American & Australian friendly time): 
    Provisionally the following items will be presented:

    Australian Research Data Commons Community Data Lab update
    FAIR Implementation Profiles for Cultural Heritage organisations
    Library of Congress AI Framework

    If you would like to give a 5 min presentation on anything you are working on at an upcoming group meeting, please feel free to email your suggestion to myself ( or Beth ( in advance.

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