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Call for participation in updating the RDA for Disciplines webpages

  • Creator
  • #99347

    Beth Knazook

    Hello Members of the Archives and Records Professionals for Research Data IG,
    Many thanks to the chairs for helping me to promote a call for participation in updating and expanding the descriptive pages that were created for the RDA website under the menu heading “RDA for Disciplines.” Librarianship, Archival Science and Information Science is one of the few disciplines already represented on our website (you can check it out here:…), but I hope to tweak it a little bit to align the information provided across the various disciplinary pages. There is also room for a sub-discipline spotlight (perhaps focusing on an aspect of archives and records management) that could further highlight the work in this field. There is no funding attached to this call unfortunately, but that does mean it is open to all interested contributors.
    A proposed template for the RDA for Disciplines page update is available here for use & comment:…. There is no formal deadline as this is not a required template for the disciplinary pages, but we are looking to start rolling out updates as early as the fall. If you’re interested in helping with this work, please reach out!
    In relation to this work, I’d also like to draw your attention to an upcoming funding call for RDA/EOSC Future Domain Ambassadors (see attached flyer for more info). The call is funded with the goal of making the European Open Science Cloud more receptive and responsive to the needs and realities of various domain-specific research communities through the development of a network of experts able to share their disciplinary know-how and community achievements within EOSC. It also aims to widen representation within EOSC from underserved communities, for which the Librarianship, Archival Science and Information Science has been identified as a discipline to target. We are seeking Ambassadors from within this community (and related communities/sub-domains, if you happen to know someone!).
    => You can learn more about the requirements at
    There are additional funding calls available on this platform that you might be interested in as well, including a Cross-Disciplinary Adoption program in support of EOSC that is closing mid-July. Please note that the grants are limited to those working in Europe or for/with European partners.
    All the best,
    Beth Knazook (she/her)
    Project Manager, Research Data
    Digital Repository of Ireland | Royal Irish Academy
    ***@***.*** | @bethknazook | @dri_ireland
    The Academy is subject to the FOI Act 2014, the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 and 2018, GDPR (EU 2016/679) and S.I. No. 336/2011, EC Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations. For further information see our website


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