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Blog post comparing archives and research data curation

  • Creator
  • #122309

    Elise Dunham

    Hi everyone,
    My archivist colleagues and I at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have begun some exploratory work regarding the areas where we converge and diverge in our processing/curation workflows. I wrote up a post about it for the Society of American Archivists Electronic Records Section blog, and I thought many on the list might find it interesting: There are hints all around as to areas where we could collaborate on developing more formal write-ups, etc., and I look forward to talking about that more as this group progresses.
    Have a great end of the week,

    Elise Dunham
    Data Curation Specialist, Research Data Service (RDS)
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Main Library
    310 Library, MC-522
    1408 W Gregory Dr
    Urbana, IL 61801 USA
    ***@***.*** | 217-300-3253
    RDS Website:
    RDS Twitter: @ILresearchdata

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