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Archives and Records IG update following Plenary 7

  • Creator
  • #122917

    Dear all,
    Thank you to everyone who attended our meeting in Tokyo on March 1. We had a very interesting and fruitful discussion, and you can access notes from the meeting and our slides in our group’s file repository here:
    We are also delighted to say that following the meeting, we have two additional co-chairs for the group: Laura Molloy, and Sarah Ramdeen.
    There is still time to comment on the group’s charter if you have suggestions on our aims and potential outputs, and you can do so here:…. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to give feedback already. We will close the charter for comments by next Wednesday, March 16th to prepare for submission to TAB.
    Finally, group members may be interested in the IFLA call for papers for a special issue on Research Data Services, which specifically mentions the application of archival principles in RDM. You can see the call here and the deadline for submissions is May 16th.
    Best regards,
    Rebecca Grant
    Digital Archivist, Digital Repository of Ireland
    Royal Irish Academy
    19 Dawson Street
    Dublin 2
    tel: 00353 1 609 0691
    email: ***@***.***
    The Royal Irish Academy/Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann
    Ireland’s Academy for the sciences and humanities
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    The Royal Irish Academy is subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 2014 and is compliant with the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1988 & 2003. For further information see our website

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