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Active Data Management Plans: how far have we come in the changing landscape

  • Creator
  • #133916

    Part 1 – Active DMPs today

    Welcome and introductions: Get to know the community (5 min)

    Lightning talks session by invited speakers (35 min)

    Part 2 – Active DMPs in 2030

    Discussion: What’s more to do as a community? (20 min)

    Break out sessions to highlight actions per stakeholder group needs (funders, institutions, research infrastructures, etc)  (20 min)

    Part 3 – Wrap Up: follow up actions

    Report back from break out sessions suggesting potential follow up activities (10 min)

    Menti: Gather interest from participants to join new WGs (10 min)

    Additional links to informative material
    [1]T. Miksa, “Application Profile for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans”, Data Science Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 32, 2021.DOI:

    Avoid conflict with the following group (1)
    DMP Common Standards WG

    Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group
    This is an established IG serving the diverse needs of the RDA members and research stakeholders who are active in the field of Research Data Management, with an emphasis on its planning stage. In this transformative period for the research ecosystems worldwide aiming to capture semantics and organize the research web in a way that scientific information is openly available, FAIR and reproducible, the need to engage in collective efforts to co-design and implement best practices is of utmost importance. The Active DMPs IG undertakes this role to liaise with the international scientific community to stimulate discussions and collaborations, align practices and deliver tangible results for the future of data management planning.

    Estimate of the required room capacity

    I Understand a Chair Must be Present at the Event to Hold the Breakout Session

    Meeting objectives
    Click here for collaborative session notes
    This session is organized by the Active Data Management Plans IG that acts as a nucleus for discussing requirements for and identifying developments needed to support active (i.e. able to evolve and be monitored) data management planning. The aim of the session is twofold: 

    to communicate the latest developments in enabling an ecosystem of integrated software that automates the DMP process in different settings.

    to identify the areas where more attention needs to be provided and design the WGs that could enhance them.

    Subsequently, the objectives are to:

    Get informed about new developments and inspire further adoption of active DMPs.

    Collect best practices and use cases to form a new output or publication, also in collaboration with the Engaging Researchers with Data IG and their Cookbook.

    Align practices across regions to more effectively support researchers’ activities at a global scale.

    Provide the space for constructive discussions on the transformation of the DMP landscape.

    Create new WGs based on the identified gaps.

    Gather interest from participants who would like to contribute to the IG and WGs activities. 

    Please indicate at least (3) three breakout slots that would suit your meeting.
    Breakout 1, Breakout 2, Breakout 3

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