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Notes from January 20 call

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  • #138362

    Agenda – run through of each category with updates; major questions resolved.


    Keynotes (Fran) – Nao is the third speaker on Wednesday.  Will do his talk adapted from the Rome talk.  Also Steve Friend and Margaret Leinen to speak.  Working on introductions.

    Sponsors (Fran) – need to work on sponsors.  Sent out a ‘cold call’ to OAB with sponsorship levels.  Ingrid will be helping, but we still want to have about half a dozen sponsors.  Will put it on the P5 site.  Fotis suggested approaching the Internet2 guys as well.  Fran has reached out to Steve Wolf.  Mark asked whether there were any local tech firms we might reach out to.  Mike – TerraData is one.  Ron Hawkins will know more of the smaller ones.  Yolanda and Ron and Susan have already spoken about local possibilities. 

    IT – someone from SDSC went over to PP to kick the tires on a new infrastructure installed during Thanksgiving.  We are waiting for results.

    Scholars (Inna) – informal meeting with them on Wednesday.  5 from Europe and 5 from the US.

    RDA for Newcomers – planning on 2 hours, still waiting on replies

    Communications – Newsletter went out Friday; targeted emails and contact will go out starting now.  Working on social media and other vehicles with calls to action to spread the word.  Also working with Susan R. for outreach in that region.  Hashtag is RDAPlenary

    SDSC front – networking moving forward; no other collocated meetings; 2 rooms possible RDA for Newcomers will be in the Synthesis Center; catering and busses still need to be arranged; registration arrangements will be TBD.  We should cap it at 300.

    Council and RDAC – still nailing down the schedule

    Office hours – an option for having WG leads or Council members or others meet one-on-one with attendees – anyone who wants in on this, please contact Yolanda

    Logistics (Matt) – scheduling done; rooms are set theater style to accommodate capacity.  Only a few rooms set u-shape for the last day.  Working on March 7 room at PP.  Dedicated media room – (Director’s Room).  Pick-up on hotel rooms….guest room block comes off on Feb 6 – 350 on peak night and 99 reserved now.  May want to extend.




    1.  Scheduling conflicts:  any show stoppers and how to resolve

    A couple of session conflicts are due to travel plans.  It will be difficult to accommodate for travel plans – agree?  Yes.

    RDA/WDS groups – have about 7 sessions; the one session conflict is resolved.  

    Domain Repositories and Cost Recovery – a conflict has arisen that was not noted in the forms.  Will work on it.

    Joint session scheduled but one of the groups was not notified about meeting.  Rainer to ask them to synchronize between the groups.


    2.  Add to schedule – scholars and early career time (roughly two hours) after the Plenary is over on Wednesday.  Schedule 5 – 7pm

    Secretariat meeting after Plenary is over on Wednesday.  Schedule 5 – 7pm


    3.  How to process refunds – what does Matt need?

    Laura Sosa – full time registrar; can process refunds or change registration status.  She issues all refunds and other status issues.

    Email Matt for changes to payment status.


    4.  How to collect sponsorships – who to make the check out to?

    Payable to Capital Meeting Planning.  Will require a W9.  Either put them in touch with Matt or cc him.


    5.  List of complementary registrants to date.

    How many are comp’d:  US list from Jamie

    Europe – checking


    6.  Interest in student help – who to be the POC for that.  Also – discount as suggested by Hilary?

    RDA/EU has paid for travel in return for work in the Plenary; registration was dismissed

    RDA/EU paid the registration.  It’s under the European grants.

    Have not had student rates, but have had arrangements for waived registration in return for work.

    Students pay full fee unless they work.


    7.  Printing deadlines for all collateral?

    Matt’s company will take care of printing the pocket agenda and other things.  Will provide a list of deadlines.  Should be resolved by tomorrow.

    Collateral – lanyards, pocket agendas, bottles, bags under consideration.   2 – 3 weeks prior for give-aways.


    8.  Refunds of registrations if visas do not arrive – yes or no?



    9.  Who is overseeing the Funders Session?  At least two requests to present status of funders/potential funders…..

    Mark (Kathy will help)


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