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RDA Working Group Collaboration Meeting, June 11-12

  • Creator
  • #126472

    Rainer Stotzka

    RDA Working Group Collaboration Meeting Karlsruhe
    June 11 – 12, 2015
    Dear RDA Group Chairs,
    We would like to invite you to the 3rd Working Group Collaboration Meeting. This is a continuation of a working meeting series that was started in Garching in February 2014 and in Gaithersburg in November 2014. 
    The objective is to have focused discussion among participants:  something which has proved elusive at the packed RDA Plenary meetings, and to generate discussion on how coordination amongst WGs can achieve
    more coherence and can improve overall RDA outputs. 
    The foci of the June meeting will be on 

    interaction between the Data Fabric and Data Publishing coordination groups and their related WGs and IGs
    facilitate adoption questions from amongst IG attendees 
    build connections between the technically oriented data provisioning and data consumer groups, and social/policy oriented data provisioning and data consumer groups

    This format will allow for a detailed update from the next wave of working group outputs:  those of RDA/WDS Data Publishing coordination group.  Additionally, each participant will be invited to update on the current status of the represented group(s) in relation to the above topics.
    Please notify the local organizers (,,, before May 1:
    a) if you plan to attend
    b) the RDA group(s) you will represent
    We will update the agenda at… accordingly and will add a list of participants.
    Please find additional information below.
    We are looking forward to meeting you in Karlsruhe
    Rainer, Larry & Peter
    Note that RDA/US has limited funding to support U.S. participant travel to these meetings. Contact Larry Lannom ( to request support.
    Meeting location:
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
    Kaiserstraße 12
    76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
    Campus Süd, 
    Präsidiumsgebäude 11.30
    A block of guest rooms are available at a rate of ~70 EUR until May 15, code: “KIT”.
    Hotel Eden
    Bahnhofstraße 15, 
    76137 Karlsruhe
    +49 721 18180
    Hotel Elite
    76137 Karlsruhe
    +49 721 828090
    KIT   >>>>>>   Dr. Rainer Stotzka  

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