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Preparation Karlsruhe meeting

  • Creator
  • #125950

    Rainer Stotzka

    Dear Colleagues,
    Pleas find a new agenda proposal for the next week’s meeting in Karlsruhe:
    For the dinner (self-paid) at Thursday evening I would like to ask all registered participants
    to send a short note if the plan NOT to attend.
    For the preparation of the meeting and discussions I am forwarding a note (see below) from
    Peter Wittenburg et al. including some documents as attachments. Please excuse if it reached
    you already via other channels and email lists.
    We are looking forward to meeting you in Karlsruhe.
    Best regards,
    During the last weeks a documents of potential impact was created and a few important meetings took place that all seem to accelerate RDA work. The document called Paris.doc (see attachment) is meant to motivate experts to discuss how the data domain should move ahead to make data sharing and re-use much more efficient. Please, add your comments and also motivate your colleagues to add their comments. For RDA it is important that we enter a broad discussion to see where we are agreeing and where we still differ in opinions.
    Please, add your and your colleagues comments here:
    Another very important contribution to develop the landscape is to upload Use Cases to make sure that your and your colleagues important work is being considered in the discussions. You can use the attached template and have a look at the wiki what others already did.
    Please, upload your use cases here:
    We had three meetings in the last few weeks which basically all point into the same direction. We need to become concrete in RDA support actions, i.e. give help/support/advice, help reducing the huge solution space by giving guidance, develop concrete implementations that bring together various components, start collaborations to bring RDA compliant solutions into practice, etc. Two meetings took place in Europe and the draft reports are attached. Also RDA US organized a similar meeting also with suggestion how to do concrete implementation and test-beds. Please have a look, slides and final reports will appear on the web.
    We would like to stress that it is now important for all of us to upload use cases and comment on the paper and to think about concrete steps that will bring us ahead.
    KIT >>>>>> Dr. Rainer Stotzka



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