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Initial Announcement of the dates and location for the Nov WG Collaboration Meeting

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  • #128281

    Larry Lannom

    This was the initial announce sent regarding the Nov 2014 WG Coordination Meeting, sent July 25 2014, and recorded here for the complete history.
    NIST has generously volunteered to host a face-to-face meeting focused on WG Chairs and TAB members Nov 13-14, 2014 at their campus in Gaithersburg, MD just north of Washington, DC.
    The model for this meeting is the gathering held at the Max Planck facility in Garching earlier this year aimed at WG collaboration. The very successful RDA Plenaries have shown themselves to be excellent venues for WGs and IGs to meet and make progress and for those groups to engage in outreach. Less successful, due entirely to time limitations, have been WG  interactions with each other. The Garching meeting was very useful in this regard and the group that met there has made plans to continue these meetings. Rainer Stotzka and myself will be coordinating them with a goal of two per year, one in Nov and one in June. The focus will be on coordinating, to the degree possible, WG activities to cut down on overlaps and conflicts. This is also the responsibility of the TAB, which will be represented there.
    Of interest to potential US participants is the availability of travel support, provided by NIST as a grant to RDA/US. This funding will support travel for a limited number of participants both to the Nov meeting in the US and the June 2015 meeting which will be held in Europe. Details on applying for this support as well as details on reserving a place at the Nov meeting will be sent shortly, but I wanted to get these dates out as soon as the venue was nailed down.

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