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The new RDA web platform is still being rolled out. Existing RDA members PLEASE REACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT using this link: Please report bugs, broken links and provide your feedback using the UserSnap tool on the bottom right corner of each page. Stay updated about the web site milestones at


  • Creator
  • #126094

    Hi all,
    Many thanks to those of you who could attend the RDA/US 2015 Annual Leadership Meeting and we hope that everyone arrived home safely and uneventfully. We want to make sure that these meetings help us meet the goals of building and strengthening the RDA/US community, and that the attendees find them productive. Please take a few minutes and give us some brief feedback on the Troy meeting (5/19-21/15) by completing a simple 5-question survey located at
    We would greatly appreciate it if you could complete the brief survey by 6/26. Thanks very much and we will be back soon with brief summary notes of the meeting for everyone and some thoughts about how we can start up the new activities we discussed. Have a great weekend!
    Fran and Yolanda

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