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Meeting 2018-03-14

  • Creator
  • #137512

    Paul Millar

    Meeting on Thursday 2018-03-14


    • Paul Millar, DESY
    • Mikael Borg, NBIS


    • Nicholas Car, CSIRO
    • Bev Jones, University of Lincoln
    • Milan Daneček, CESNET

    1. Update on previous actions

    2018-02-28:1 Postponed: wait for Nick’s report when he next joins the meeting.

    2018-02-28.2 Postponed: Paul to send reminders to everyone for their input

    2018-02-28:3 Discarded: Paul discussed this with XDC and they plan NOT to advertise QoS as part of service discovery. Clients and services interested in an overview should contact all endpoints to discover available QoS information. Mikael has not had the opportunity to investigate Consul further, so this item has been dropped for now.

    ACTION: [PM] to update P11 agenda to drop the Service Discovery item.

    2018-02-28:4 Done: agenda has been updated.

    2018-02-28:5 Done: conference organisers have updated our P11 agenda page with remote participation details.

    2018-02-28:6 Done: Bev and Paul were able to hold a successful test video conference.

    2018-02-28:7 Postponed: this has become less urgent as we don’t need to finish updating the case-statement by P11.

    2018-02-28:8 Done: Rainer described the TAB endorsement timeline, which is independent of TAB meetings.


    Mikael mentioned that ELIXIR make heavy use of a vocabulary service called  This has considerable traction, with (for example) Google making use of it.  It also supports extensions, which are easy to add; e.g.,

    We should investigate whether we can use this to provide Storage Service definition.

    Actions summary


    • 2018-03-14:1 [PM] update P11 agenda to drop the Service Discovery item.


    • 2018-02-28:1 [NC] contact Adrian Burton to see if he is interested in our work.
    • 2018-02-28.2 [ALL] send Paul pertenant status update information.
    • 2018-02-28:7 [PM] to update the current case-statement and ask people for input, as needed


    • 2018-02-28:3 [PM] investigate and summerise GLUE support for QoS.
    • 2018-02-28:4 [PM] to adjust our P11 agenda to move Links-with section to the last point.
    • 2018-02-28:5 [PM] to contact the conference organisers to ask about possible video connection.
    • 2018-02-28:6 [PM & BJ] coordinate time to test video conference system.
    • 2018-02-28:8 [PM] to contact our TAB liaison (Rainer) to confirm the deadline for submitting our updated case statement.


    The anticipated next meeting will be in two weeks: 2018-03-28 10:00 CET.

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