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RDA Virtual Plenary 17 – Virtual Regional Event

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  • #137025

    Stefanie Kethers


    Following and building on the discussions and outcomes of the RDA Virtual Plenary 17 (19-23 April 2021), we ran a series of free virtual sessions at times suitable to Oceania and large parts of Asia in mid-May 2021.

    The following sessions have been held:

    A National Approach to Research Software (in conjunction with Data Science Week)

    Tuesday, 11 May, 15:00-16:00 AEST

    The slides and recording from the brief update on research software related activities at the Research Data Alliance Virtual Plenary 17 are now available.

    If you are interested in the work on the national agenda for research software in Australia, a draft form of the agenda is now available at:

    A finalised form of the agenda will capture a measure of interest and priorities for the sector, and so if this agenda is of interest to you, your feedback would be most appreciated. If you’re interested in discussing any aspect of the agenda, please get in contact.


    Session coordinator: Tom Honeyman

    The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) is preparing a national agenda for research software, to address the challenge of recognition of research software as a first class output of research. If you are an author of software, or support authors in any way, or if you are interested in policy areas, or community around software authorship or informatics support for research software, join us as we map out the dimensions of this challenge, and begin a discussion around how to address this.

    The session will include a brief update on research software-related activities in the Research Data Alliance (RDA).

    Infrastructure and Data Management Plans (DMPs) (in conjunction with the Australasian DMPs IG)

    Tuesday, 18 May, 14:00 – 15:00 AEST

    The slides and recording from the session can be found here:

    Session coordinators: Liz Stokes, Kathryn Unsworth

    The session focus is infrastructure for data management plans: Specific tools for managing DMPs, infrastructure that uses DMPs and research infrastructure that is provisioned by DMP infrastructure. Updates from the recent Research Data Alliance Virtual Plenary 17 will also be included.

    Confirmed speakers:

    • Rowland Mosbergen, Walter and Elizabeth Hall Institute
    • Peter Sefton, University of Technology Honorary Associate
    • Peter Neish, University of Melbourne
    • Liz Stokes, Australian Research Data Commons

    Join us if you are interested in discussing, building and improving Data Management Plans – best practice and technical tools

    More information on the Australasian DMPs IG can be found on the ARDC communities of practice page.

    RDA Q&A and catch-up session

    Wednesday, 19 May, 15:00 – 15:45 AEST

    Session coordinator: Stefanie Kethers 

    If you are an RDA members or just interested in RDA, feel free to join this session and ask any questions you might have about RDA and meet other RDA members!

    Data Policies

    Thursday, 20 May, 14:00-14:30 AEST 

    The slides and recording from this session can be found here:

    Session coordinator: Natasha Simons

    Increasing the availability of research data for reuse is in part being driven by research data policies. While the number of research funders, journals and institutions with some form of research data policy is growing, the landscape is complex and therefore the implementation and implications of policies for researchers can be unclear, confusing and sometimes even contradictory. The RDA Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation IG was established to help address these challenges. Initially the Group focussed on Developing a Research Data Policy Framework for All Journals and Publishers and with journal adoptions of the framework growing, the Group is now focussing on alignment between publishers and funders.

    This session will provide an overview of the joint session held at RDA P17 of the Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management and Practices IG, the Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation IG and the FAIRsharing WG. The focus of this session was to provide an overview of a joint project to examine funder-publisher policy alignment and provide recommendations on how to improve alignment.

    Australia wordmap


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