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Joint appeal for open science

  • Creator
  • #102856

    Suchith Anand

    Dear colleagues,
    Today ( 27 October) , a joint appeal for open science has been launched by UNESCO, WHO, CERN and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights [1]. I thank all colleagues for this excellent initiative.
    The idea behind Open Science is to allow scientific information, data and outputs to be more widely accessible (Open Access) and more reliably harnessed (Open Data) with the active engagement of all the stakeholders (Open to Society).
    By encouraging science to be more connected to societal needs and by promoting equal opportunities for all (scientists, policy-makers and citizens), Open Science can be a true game changer in bridging the science, technology and innovation gaps between and within countries and fulfilling the human right to science.
    UNESCO, as the United Nations Agency with a mandate for Science, is the legitimate global organization enabled to build a coherent vision of Open Science and a shared set of overarching principles and shared values. That is why, at the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference, 193 Members States tasked the Organization with the development of an international standard-setting instrument on Open Science in the form of a UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science.
    Details at
    Best wishes,
    Dr. Suchith Anand
    Chief Scientist
    Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition

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