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Array Database assessment Working Group meeting at Plenary 8

  • Creator
  • #137810

    Peter Baumann

    This page documents the inaugural meeting of the Array Database assessment Working Group at Plenary 8 in Denver, USA, 2016-09-16.


    In order to maximise focus in getting hands-on, just two introductory presetnations were given by the chairs, then leading into a discussion on how to proceed concretely.


    • Q: what is the focus of this WG?
      A: Focus is strictly on arrays (grids, rasters) to be able to achieve meaningful results
    • Q: Are only array databases in focus?
      A: Anything that offers a flexible query interface is of interest, and could be called a “database system” in the widest sense. However, further array-related technology should be inspected as well to obtain comparisons (e.g., MapReduce-based systems like SciHadoop, GeoTrellis, MrGeo) – but this depends on the contributions; in other words: come and champion your favourite tool!
    • Q: what is a realistically large deployment?
      A: anything larger than server RAM qualifies (otherwise, you just load data into RAM without any need for a database system); as a rule of thumb, going beyond 10 TB should be fine.
    • Q: what kind of contributions do you seek?
      A: three types of contributors are needed in order to have comprehensive expertise on board:

      • use case providers: they bring in data and challenges (aka queries)
      • service providers: they provide storage and compute space for setting up realistically large deployments of systems
      • technology (software) providers: they provide their tools for installation and operation, as well as support.
    • In an elicitation of the interests of those present the following was articulated:
      • ETL: 2
      • SQL/MDA: 4
      • formats (HDF, …): 5
      • query power (Fourier Transform etc.): 3
      • OPeNDAP: 2
      • model-to-model communication via database: 2


    The following concrete initial groups shaped:

    • use case providers:
      • Mohan: Earth science
      • Schaaff: Space science
    • data center: none
    • software providers:
      • Peter Baumann: rasdaman
      • Ted Habermann: HDF
      • Mohan: HDF, OPeNDAP
      • Doug Lindholm: tbd

    Action items

    • chairs: convene group, grow it from membership via email – until beginning of Oct
    • data center group: establish infrastructure for installation – tbd
    • software providers: stand up installations, provide tutorials – once installation points are defined







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